Glory and Gore

Glory and gore. Nothing else matters in the arena. At least this is what he always says. I remember the first time I saw him fight. I hadn’t even known he was the best fighter in our pit, since he never basks in the glory his countless victories bestow upon …

In Memoriam

Death is so mundane. So not what you’d expect. It happened on a hot August afternoon, in a hospital room that felt stuffy even though both the window and the door were open. My Mom was running in and out of the room. Sometimes she looked at us with tears …


“Apples or oranges?” “Oranges.” “Desert or ocean?” “Ocean.” “Stars or hearts?” I think about this for a moment.

The Kiss

I kissed her only once. It might sound surprising that this is the first thing that comes to my mind about her – or maybe not, if we take human selfishness into account. Everything is about me, me, me, only me; it is rarely about her, him, you or even …

A korona ékköve

I. Sok-sok évvel ezelőtt lenyűgöző szépségre vágytam. Fiatal voltam és bolond. Csupán egy dolgot akartam: azt, hogy én lehessek az újdonsült király felesége, a korona ékköve. Amikor megkötöttem az alkut a vén, bibircsókos boszorkánnyal, nem sejtettem, hogy nagyobb árat fizetek majd, mint amelyre valójában vállalkoztam. A banya tartotta a szavát: …

The Evil Queen

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” The beautiful Queen showed no emotion as she uttered the familiar words for the thousandth time. The mirror replied in an instant: “My Queen, you are the fairest here so true. But Bianka is a thousand times more …

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